Political Article (sending soldiers to the border)

Link to Article: https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2018-04-06/texas-national-guard-says-its-preparing-to-deploy-to-border

The article is from U.S. News, which is an American media company that publishes news. It has a 4 out of 5 stars rating on being non-biased and credible.

      The article that I chose to read and respond to is "Arizona, Texas Send 400 Troops to Border After Trump's Call," written by Paul J. Weber and Nomaan Merchant. In this article, Paul J. Weber and Nomaan Merchant, state how President Trump plans to deploy 400 US troops to the Mexican Border. These troops would come from states such as Arizona and Texas, and their goal would be to fight drug trafficking and illegal immigration. Supposedly, Trump's goal is to station anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 troops at the border until the wall can be built. Then the article explains how President Trump's actions are covered under Title 32, a federal law under which Guard members remain under the command and control of their state's governor. Also, the article justifies Trump's actions by claiming that past presidents deployed soldiers to the border; "Bush sent around 6,000 troops in 2006, and Obama sent 1,200 Guard members in 2010." Sadly, this decision has been criticized "the lawlessness that continues at our southern border," thus stalling Congress' ability to pass the act. All in all, the article lays out the facts of what the President and Congress plan to protect America's borders.

      After reading this article, I definitely have a broader understanding of the process and reasoning behind stationing troops at the border. I full heartedly agree that it is an absolute necessity for any country to protect its boundaries, and I believe that it is essential to stop drug trafficking. On the other hand, this added protection could also prevent good citizens, who are not coming to America to traffic drugs, from entering our country. Thus, the argument could go both ways. As a whole, I liked how the authors gave examples of the decisions other presidents made in this situation and the process that an act such as this one must pass before being implemented. I chose to read this article because, I heard something about sending soldiers to the border on the radio, and I wanted to learn more. The reason that I chose to read the article written by U.S. News over a report from another outlet is that the U.S. News is regarded as one of the least biased media outlets.


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