Creative free post

For this post, I decided to write a poem about nature. I chose to write a poem because I wanted to see how many poetry techniques I can effectively implement into my writing after we completed the unit.

Water drip dropping
the birds are chirping
the wind whistles
as it dances
its heavenly waltz.

The trees
bend in the breeze,
The thump pup
of the falls
o how the trees hear alls.

There I am,
sitting in a stream
this can't be a dream.
I feel the breeze
against my back
and quickly turn at the sound of a crack.

My adrenaline is pumping,
my heart is thumping.
What's that?
I think not a rat
perhaps a snake
or a bear
I do not dare

I'm frozen.
The water stops
and so do the birds
I look but can't see the rocks
then my heart resumes its pump
and I wake-up.

I wrote about nature because I had the privilege of going on a church retreat over the weekend. While on the retreat, I found myself lost in the woods. Thus I decided to write a poem about some of the things I saw, felt, and heard during the brief time I was lost in the wilderness.


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