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     I did several things over the weekend that would make the weekend qualify as unique. Friday night, after LAUNCH, our plumbing system broke, leaving our house without hot water for the entire weekend. The next morning I awoke and had to take care of the yard. This is usually not a big deal, just a quick cutting of the grass. Unfortunately the I put this off for so long that our yard became a jungle. My lawnmower's weals were too small to drive over the thickets of grass in my path. After my first impossible task was completed, I had to clean up the yard. To my dismay, we had our roof redone last weekend, and the roof-men dumped all of the old shingles into our pool. Thus I needed to get them out. So I dove down into the pool, which was green by now due to the algae build up and not heated, to pull out the roof shingles. Finally, I was able to relax, study, and stress eat for the remainder of the weekend.
     Between my constant chors and gorging myself with food, I managed to accomplish some more desirable activities. First, my brother and I took our dog for a long hike. The hike was tiresome, but it was pleasant being around nature and listening to the chirps of the birds and the rustle of the wind instead of staring at my phone and listening to notifications all day. A change of scenery can be beneficial. Also, my family took our kayaks down to the LSU lakes and paddled around for an hour or two. I guess you could say that we listened to our blue minds. Overall, It was quite enjoyable to be out in the fresh air all weekend.


  1. You are a very outdoorsy young man! Nice weekend of unplugging, filled with nature.

  2. Sounds like you had a good time after your chores. Kayaking is really fun!

  3. I'm sorry to hear your plumbing system broke. It sounds like you had a lot of chores to do. Other than the chores and the plumbing, it sounds like you had a great weekend.


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