New Semester Reflection

     After the first semester, I learned how to prioritize my time and seeking help. For me, time management includes everything from efficiently using my study hall to spacing out homework assignments. It is important to learn time management because it allows more freedom and less overall stress. Secondly, I learned how to seek help. This includes anything from seeing a teacher at a tutorial to asking a friend for notes if you miss a day. It is important to find help when you do not particularly understand a concept because most classes build on previous lessons, so if you are unclear on an earlier lesson then that sets you up to struggle for the rest of the semester. By getting help not only are you learning the concept better but you are also showing that you care about that class.
      Aside from getting good grades, one of my goals for the upcoming semester is to remember what I learned during the first semester so that I do not make the same mistakes. I would also like to use my tutorial more effectively. Lastly, I would like to remember to follow through and not slack off toward the end of the year.


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