ATDPTI Reading Resonce

  Warning Possible Spoilers If You Have Not Read to Page 101 do NOT Read 
     Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian has been quite an enjoyable read thus far. This is due to how Junior reacts to the situations that his new life, outside the reservation, throws at him. One memorable reaction that he had was after he punched the "alpha dog" in the face. The incident begins when a group of big white kids is making fun of Junior. One day, the pushed it too far, and Junior punches the leader in the face. After he throws the punch, Junior is confused as to why the other boy had not punched him back, and then he precedes to theorize how they might get their revenge. Finally, he asks his grandmother for advice, which the reader knows is right, but Junior decides that she is crazy. This scene is particularly comical for several reasons. First, I find it humorous because Junior's reactions and responses are opposite of how most humans that I know would behave or even think. Secondly, the author's use of Dramatic Irony, when his grandmother gives him advice, coupled with the teenage-ish wording not only brings the story to life but also seems to compel the reader to be more involved in the story. 
     Another aspect of the story that I find to be particularly compelling is Junior's comics/doodles. These bring life to the story because they give the reader a glance into what Junior is thinking, and his thoughts are usually pretty funny. The author seems to use these drawings to make some instances more dramatic than others, for example when the group of tall white boys surrounds Junior, and the picture is of Junior surrounded by white mountains. In this case, the drawing brings attention to the size of the boys in comparison to Junior. I enjoy reading the doodles because of they breathe a fresh life into the story by providing a different point of view. I would recommend Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian to anyone who is willing to read a book that is outside what we have come to expect from a novel. As a whole, I have enjoyed reading Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian because it is relaxing, funny, and a smooth book to read.


  1. I agree with the idea that his comics bing the book to life. Great Job.


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