Human Nature

     What is human nature? Are humans fundamentally bad or good? These two questions are common questions in the back of one's conscious. Human life is the general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavior traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans. Human nature is often confused with behavior. At the root of everything, humans are fundamentally flawed.                                Humans are imperfect because they are neither good nor bad. Humans are not fundamentally moral because even the best of mankind are still tempted by their own wants. This temptation means that underneath everything, humans are not purely functional. On the other hand, one can not go as far to condemn all of the humanity as truly bad. Just because a small percentage of humanity is purely bad, does not mean that all humans are bad, one can not condemn the many for the crimes of the few. Since human nature is neither good not bad, humans are fundamentally flawed.


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