The nine eleven attacks were a collection of Islamic terrorists from Saudia Arabia hijacked and crashed planes into the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, and one plane crashed in a field while heading to Washington DC. Ther was over three-thousand people killed and six-thousand people injured in these attack.
      As a kid, I heard about 911 every year,  but I never really understood the attacks until I read various accounts. After reading numerous articles on the acts of terrorism, I contemplated what would have been going through my head if I had been in the Twin Towers. I thought about my priorities, if I was ready to die, and how I would react if i actually survived. 


  1. The 911 attacks were devastating for a lot of people. The way you made it as if you were in the tower was a perspective I never thought about and made this blog really deep.

  2. 911 was so sad. The way you made it seem as if you were there makes me think about that and how awful that would be. Good post!!


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